River Cruise, Yangshuo China

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Shangri-La, Guilin China

Either you run the day or the day runs you.

Yao Mountain, Guilin China

One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.

Mount Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia

Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.

Rottnest Island, Perth Australia

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Friday 9 March 2012

Trip to Guilin, China (Day 3)

Guilin - Day 3 (12 Oct 2011)

Hari ketiga bermula dengan sessi breakfast di restoran halal yg sama. Kami bertiga makan beef noodle. Sangat best & fresh sebabnya mee tuh dibuat depan mata kami. Diibaratkan seperti di Malaysia kita nampak mamak menebar roti canai tapi di sana mereka membuat mee. Memang menarek ..

Selepas breakfast kami check out dari hotel. Plan hari ini untuk ke Shangri-La tapi sebelum tuh kami akan menaiki rakit buluh menyusuri sungai melepasi 4 buah jeram. Kami meneruskan perjalanan ke hulu sungai. Sesampainya di sana, kami semua turun & van kami meninggalkan kami untuk pergi ke meeting point (hilir sungai). Cuaca pagi yang sejuk & nyaman sangat mengasyikkan. Di hulu sungai tersebut, kami nampak rakit-rakit buluh yang tersusun cantik di tebing sungai.

Kami terus menaiki rakit buluh. Satu rakit boleh dinaiki oleh 2 orang sahaja. Since kami bertiga maka my hubby naik dgn si Sunny & myself naik ngan ummi. So we start our journey. Airnya sangat tenang & nampak reflection on the water. Lambaian pokok-pokok buluh di tebing sungai membuatkan fikiran tenang. Sepanjang sungai kita boleh nampak aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh penduduk2 kampung di situ seperti membasuh kain & seorang pakcik tua yg kerjanya mempastikan kebersihan sungai dgn kutip2 daun atau sampah yg jatuh ke dalam sungai.

Seperti yg diketahui rakit kami akan melepasi 4 buah jeram. Jeram pertama dan kedua kami lalui dgn mudah. Akan tetapi apabila masuk ke jeram ketiga & keempat, kedudukan jeram tuh agak curam & tinggi. Maka rakit kami kena tolak sedikit dalam kedudukan menjunam ke bawah utk melepasi jeram ini dan kemudiannya baru ler kami naik semula. Pastuh rakit tuh jatuh menjunam dlm air. Diingatkan anda kena angkat kaki ye, kalau tidak basah kasut & seluar.

Kalu anda takut nak naik rakit yg kecik tidak menjadi masalah, anda boleh naik rakit yg besar bersekali dgn tour guide. Setelah 1/2 jam kami pun sampai ke meeting point. Kami membayar tips 10 Yuan pada pengemudi rakit yg dah penat mudik sungai. Ye lah kaminya bukannya kurus2 penumpangnya.. haha..

Perjalanan diteruskan ke Shangri-La. Lebih kurang 45 minit, kami telah sampai ke pintu masuk Shangri-La. Sesampainya di sana kami terus menaiki bot menyusuri sungai melepasi perkampungan kaum minoriti di sana seperti drum people & org dayak. Setiap kali bot kami melepasi perkampungan mereka, mereka beramai-ramai akan menari & menyanyi. Akhirnya kami selamat tiba di perkampungan drum people. Ketibaan kami disambut dengan tiupan seksafon yg di perbuat dari kayu. Kami juga melihat hasil kraftangan mereka. Sangat teliti dan halus pembuatannya kerana segalanya dibuat dari hasil tangan (hand made). Kita dapat lihat pakcik tua memintal benang & seorang gadis menyulam kain. Antara hasil kraftangan mereka ialah embroidery painting & tali leher.

Kami sampai ke satu tempat lapang di mana ada seorang gadis tengah berdiri di tepi balkoni sambil menyanyi & menghayun-hayunkan silk ball. Rupa2nya itulah cara tradisi gadis di kampung ini mencari jodohnya. Selepas menyanyi silk ball itu akan dibaling & kepada yg dapat menangkap silk ball itulah jodoh kepada perempuan tersebut. Sgt mudah bukan? Untuk menuju ke laluan keluar kami melalui Wind Rain Bridge di mana senibina jambatan ini tidak menggunakan paku.

Selepas beramah mesra dgn minority tribe di Shangri-La kami bertolak balik ke Guilin. Seperti biasa, Sunny akan bawa kami ke Government shop mereka. Kali ini Dr. Bamboo, kedai jade & kedai teh. Di kedai teh, kami di bawa masuk ke sebuah bilik untuk mendengar demo teh. Kami beli puer tea dari Yunan yg berfungsi sebagai slimming tea.
Setelah lunch kami balik terus di Anhua Hotel utk check-in & berehat. Tidak sabar untuk menunggu hari esok naik cable car ke Yao Mountain.

** End of Day 3 **

More photo: Click here

Trip to Guilin, China (Day 2)

Guilin - Day 2 (11 Oct 2011)

Pepagi lps Subuh, my mom & me lepak2 depan hotel tunggu si Sunny. Lepas tuh terus Sunny ajak breakfast kat kedai muslim depan hotel ajer. Menu pagi nie mee sup. Mintak tolong Sunny belikan we all air sebabnya kebiasaannya kedai2 kat sana tak dek menyediakan air minum coz depa minum sup tuh ajer. Siap boleh tambah ye sup tuh, dah mmg disediakan bekas cam bekas minum air yg besar berpaip tuh. Kalau nak refill sup tuh mmg boleh ajer.

Alhamdulillah, perut pun dah kenyang. Sunny siap2 belikan we all makanan untuk di bawa sebagai bekalan lunch sebabnya dalam river cruise tuh nanti tak dek makanan halal disediakan. Kami pun bertolak menaiki van menuju ke jeti. Perjalanan dari hotel ke jeti mengambil masa kira2 1/2 jam. Sesampainya di jeti, ramai sungguh org dah 'Q' kat luar tuh tapi si Sunny ni pandai..ntah apa dia ckp2 kat si penjaga pintu tuh..last2 we all yg lepas dulu. Pada masa ni Sunny pun blah. Dia kata dia akan ikut jalan darat, naik van utk ke Yangshuo so akan jumpa Sunny terus di sana.

Then, terus la masuk ke bot tapi we all org yg pertama sampai so bot tak penuh la lagi.. kena la tunggu bot penuh baru lah bertolak. So in the mean time, we all pun tour la kat dalam boat tuh. Ada upper deck & lower deck. We all lepak kat lower deck je. Then kat bahagian atas ada macam viewing area untuk menikmati permandangan. So most of the time we all lepak kat situ je ler sambil2 snap pix.

River cruise ni mengambil masa selama 4 jam from Guilin Jetty to Yangshuo.Pada masa ni we all pun tgk ada penjual buah-buahan menaiki rakit pi rapat2 kat boat we all & cuba nak jual buah2 anggur tuh ikut tingkap bot. Even masa bot tgh dalam perjalanan pun depa boleh menjual buah ikut tingkap dgn cara ikat rakit depa kat bot. Sgt genius.. hehe..Contoh lain yg boleh kita nampak macam ada penjual ikan cepat2 rapatkan sampan depa di belakang bot & masuk jual ikan sbb nya bahagian belakang bot tuh ialah bahagian dapur so chef akan dpt bekalan ikan yg fresh setiap hari.

Penduduk yg mendiami kawasan tebing sungai dikenali sebagai River People. According to Sunny, River People ni mostly berketurunan Islam. Sepanjang perjalanan kami nampak beberapa buah kampung di tepi sungai. Siap ada bot polis untuk menjaga traffic. Mmg betul kena kawal coz mmg tiap2 hari akan ada river cruise. Byk bot akan menyusuri sungai nie.

Di sepanjang sungai, kami menikmati permandangan sungai yg berlatarkan bukit bukau. Antaranya kita boleh nampak bukit berbentuk tanduk kerbau yg dipanggil buffalo hill, bukit berbentuk buah apple yg dipanggil apple hill & yang paling famous ialah painted hill of nine horses. So sape2 boleh nampak kesembilan2 bentuk kuda tuh maka org tuh sgt bertuah. Selain tuh, ada gak gambar bukit dipanggil 20 Yuan hill sebabnya gambar bukit tuh ada tercetak di atas wang kertas 20 Yuan depa.

Cuaca pada hari ni agak berkabus jadinya kebanyakan pic yg diambil x berapa clear. Ada banyak pokok2 pine di tebing2 sungai, kuda2 bersantai di tepian sungai & buffalo water meragut rumput di dalam sungai. Kami juga nampak nelayan kat sana gunakan black bird utk tangkap ikan so bila burung tuh dah tangkap ikan tuh..pokcik ni pun amek la.. burung tuh x boleh nak telan ikan tuh sbb tengkuk dia dah kena ikat.

Setelah 4 jam perjalanan, kami akhirnya sampai ke Yangshuo sebuah bandar kecil yg sangat chantek dikelilingi oleh bukit bukau. Sesampainya di jeti kami disambut oleh Sunny dan perjalanan pun di teruskan. Tempat yg menjadi tumpuan pelancong utk membeli souvenir di Yangshuo ialah di West Street tapi pastikan anda pandai utk tawar menawar. Pastikan anda letak harga separuh drp harga yg ditawarkan.

Tapi sebelum tuh seperti biasa kami singgah dahulu di government shop depa, kedai brg2 perhiasan wanita. Nak kasi cukup syarat kami beli je la gelang getah. Hehehe.. Kemudian, perjalanan kami diteruskan ke Silver Cave. Kita boleh tgk stalakmit & stalaktit dalam silver cave yg terdapat dalam pelbagai bentuk seperti bentuk kunci & musical note. Ada juga yang dipanggil pillar of the sky sebabnya stalaktit & stalakmit tuh dah bercantum. Memang bagus kerajaan China memajukan industri perlancongan mereka & sgt kagum bagaimana mereka boleh explore gua ni..letak electricity & proper path utk tourist visit gua nie. Kami turun tangga naik tangga berjalan lagi 2KM utk explore Silver Cave nie. Dengan penggunaan lampu berwarna warni menjadikan stalaktit & stalakmit sgt menarik. Salah satu tarikan lain ialah relection on the water. Kita akan nampak pantulan cahaya stalaktit & stalakmit tersebut di atas air dan membentuk ilusi bahawa wujudnya 2 set stalaktit & stalakmit tuh. Ada juga diantara stalakit & stalakmit & akan berkilauan apabila kita menyuluh cahaya ke atasnya. Jgn risau kalau kita nak beli souvenir, dalam gua ni siap ada gerai utk menjual cenderahati.

Selepas hampir 2 jam explore Silver Cave kami pun bertolak balik. Sebelum kami check-in di Hoating Business Hotel, kami dinner dahulu di restoran makanan halal di Yangshuo.
Malam itu kami tgk persembahan "Impression Sanjie Liu". Impression Sanjie Liu ialah persembahan di atas air yg berlatar belakangkan bukit bukau. Seramai 600 pelakon terlibat utk show ini & salah seorang director performance ni lah yg bertanggung jawab utk direct opening & closing ceremony Beijing Olympic 2008. So sgt awesome!!

Show ni ada 2 sessi. Kami tgk sessi ke2 pada pukul 9 pm. Story line show ni mengisahkan seorang puteri sungai menyanyi & menari utk kesejahteraan Li River. Show ni sgt awesome & mmg berbaloi tgk pesembahan tersebut kerana para pelakonnya termasuklah seekor kerbau boleh berlakon di atas air sungai. Mereka juga menggunakan teknologi LED cam kat Olimpik Beijing. Hampir 2 jam juga persembahan nie so selepas tuh kami terus balik ke hotel. Hajat di hati ingin jalan2 ke West Street pada malam tuh terpaksa dibatalkan sbb kami terlalu letih. Tak sabo kami nak menunggu hari esok utk ke Shangri-La.

** End of Day 2 **

More photo: Click here

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Trip to Guilin, China (Day 1)

Guilin - Day 1 (10 Oct 2011)

Sesampainya kami di Guilin Airport, tour guide kami si Sunny dah lama menunggu. FYI, kami hanya pergi bertiga sahaja (me, my mom & my hubby). So kami bertiga menaiki van & terus bertolak ke Guilin City. Otw, from the airport to the city kita akan melepasi satu plaza tol. Kira2 dlm 20 minit perjalanan, kami dah sampai di pinggir bandar & terus di bawa ke kedai pisau. Terus kami diajak masuk dalam sebuah bilik utk tengok demo pisau tuh. Kami bertiga ni pun nak tak nak terpaksa la dengar demo tuh yg of coz dlm bahasa depa sambil ditranslate oleh Sunny. Akhirnya setelah di promote bagai nak rak maka kami pun beli la 1 set pisau tuh yg mana metalnya sgt2 tajam & keras.

After that, dah lebih kurang pukul 12pm. Time for lunch. Sunny bwk kami ke kedai makanan halal & this is the best halal restaurant in town. Mmg bersebelahan dengan masjid so sgt convenience. Foodnya sgt sgt OK..boleh masuk selera kita coz kat sana they all surprisingly makan spicy food. Selepas kami menjamu selera, waktu zohor pun dah masuk jadi kami pun berjalan kaki la pergi ke masjid bersebelahan.

Dikhabarkan bahawa masjid ini merupakan masjid tertua di Guilin. Chantek senibina masjid ini dengan pillar kayu bercat merah. Seperti biasa masjid ni ada tempat solat lelaki & wanita. Di bahagian luar masjid ni ada meja & kerusi panjang untuk tempat they all berkumpul & makan2. Waktu solat di Guilin pada masa tuh Subuh (5:50 am), Zohor (1:30 pm), Asar (5:30 pm), Maghrib (6:20 pm), Isyak (7:20 pm) & Solat Jumaat (1:30 pm).

After solat, kami terus dibawa ke Banyan & Fir Lake. Tour guide kami explain sbb musabab depa buat lake nie (its a man made lake) adalah sebagai benteng pertahanan. Kami pun explore lah seluruh taman nie. Kat situ mmg ada Banyan tree yg dah hidup beratus tahun. Besar sungguh keluasan taman tasik nie. Agak letih gak kami berjalan. Dalam taman tasik nie, ada banyak jambatan dibina. Antaranya ialah jambatan yg ala2 bentuknya cam tower bridge di London tuh. Sebenarnya, jambatan tuh berfungsi sebagai VIP route coz laluan nie akan terus menuju ke 5 star hotel, The Lakeview Hotel. Berdekatan ngan laluan tuh ada lagi satu jambatan. Jambatan tuh plak bentuknya macam the Golden Gate Bridge kat San Francisco tuh so according to Sunny Guilin ni adalah sister city of San Francisco. Lagi satu jambatan yg sgt chantek & awesome senibinanya ialah jambatan kristal.

Kami pun proceed berjalan lagi dan lalu di bwh satu jambatan berwarna putih. Rupanya di bwh laluan jambatan tuh & di sepanjang dinding terdapat lukisan dan mempunyai ceritanya yg tersendiri. Mmg org2 cina ni sgt berseni. Park ni sgt lah besar. Agak lama kami berjalan & akhirnya sampai ke sister pagoda atau disebut gak sun & moon pagoda. Satu diperbuat daripada gangsa & satu lagi diperbuat daripada kayu.

Lps jalan2 kat park, we all proceed ke Two Rivers and Four Lakes cruise. Naik boat menyusuri sungai untuk melihat 10 famous hill seperti Fubo Hill, Diecai Hill & paling famous the Elephant Trunk Hill. Sepanjang kami menyusuri sungai ni, ramai org2 sana yg swimming kat sini..selamba je tak takut pun kena langgo ngan bot, bot plak kena elak depa. Ada ramai gak pakcik2 tua yang memancing di tepi sungai, makcik2 yg basuh kain & the black bird yg tolong nelayan sana tangkap ikan.

Dalam 20 minit menaiki bot akhirnya kami berhenti & turun pulak berjalan untuk explore Mulong Lake Park. Sangat chantek permandangan di sini. Ada tasik, drum, pagoda, building classic senibina china & former resident of Li Jishen .. pemimpin no 2 kat China.

Lepas tuh barulah kami check-in hotel. We stayed at Anhua Hotel in Guilin .. hotel ni berhadapan ngan Peach Blossom River. Hotel ni berdekatan dgn tmpt tinggal komuniti muslim kat sana.. mmg dekat ngan masjid. Kedai makan muslim pun dekat .. seberang jalan ajer .
Kami duduk di triple room & rate bilik kami ialah 1280 Yuan.

Pada sebelah malamnya plak we all pi tgk ballet+acrobatic+shaolin performance kat Dreamlike Theater .. sgt awesome. The main character tuh adalah fairy princess. Memang berbaloi utk tengok Dreamlike Lijiang Show nie. Lepas show tuh kami dibawa balik semula ke hotel. Apa lagi terus solat & tidoq .. tak sabar nak tunggu hari esok nak menyusuri Sungai Li utk ke Yangshuo.

** THE END OF DAY 1 **

More photo: click here

Tuesday 6 March 2012

IVF, the result

Continue from Part VI

So I've got MC for 10 days. I went back to my hometown to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Adha with my family. On the 9 Nov 2011, I brought the twin to their first injection. They were a month old. I was so excited & I will post the article about them later. The next day was my birthday .. yeay!

Back to work on the 14 Nov. Went back to PPUM on the 17 Nov (Thursday) at 9 am for blood test. I got the result at 2 pm. Alhamdulillah I was positive but I was not too excited because my hCG level is low. The HCG level should at least double every 48 hours. If the numbers start to fall, that means I am going to miscarriage. That very evening, they ask me to come over to PPUM in order for my gynea to prescribe me with Aspirin to increase the chances. They told me aspirin could improve IVF success by boosting blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. My gynea also prescribed me with a week supply of Utrogestan & Duphaston.

The total cost was about RM 168.30.

The breakdown cost:
- Blood Test = RM 15
- Utrogestan 100mg (for a week) = RM 75.60
- Duphaston 10mg (for a week) = RM 57.70
- Aspirin (for a month) = RM 20

On the 23 Nov, I went back again to PPUM for the blood test. The blood test cost me RM 15.

I've got the result at 2 pm. A nurse from the reproductive clinic called me and informed that my hCG level dropped and the IVF treatment was not successful. I was really really sad but I wholeheartedly agree to the decision to what Allah has decided upon.

Thinking about the bright side, I still have Adam Dany & Adam Fahmy in my life.

Monday 5 March 2012

IVF, embryo transfer

Continue from Part V

Do I feel any pain after the egg collection? Well, to tell you the truth I did felt a slightly pain and it was more like the period pain but Alhamdulillah I was able to manage the pain.

Later, I got a phone call from HUKM. They informed me that I need to come over for embryo transfer on Thursday, 3 November 2011.

That morning we went out early from home around 7:30 am and reached there about 8:30am. We waited for my gynea to arrive from PPUM and at 9:15am I was called into the waiting room. The nurse asked me to change to a patient gown. Before that I ask her permission to go to the wash room to take a leak but she does not encourage me to do that. The reason was it will help my gynea to clearly differentiate the uterus and bladder on the monitor scanner machine. So at 9:30am, I went into the procedure room.

Out of the 10 egg that were collected 3 days ago, they used only 3 eggs. The reason were the rest of the egg did not fragmented properly. So egg no 1: fragmentation of 9 (A grade), egg no 2: fragmentation of 8 (A grade) and egg no 3: fragmentation of 5 (B grade). After explaining this to me my gynea ask my hubby to step into the procedure room to see the embryo on the scanner screen. With the lafaz of بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّØ­ْÙ…َÙ†ِ اارَّØ­ِيم , my gynea implanted these 3 embryos and printed out the scan picture as seen above. The white dot (embryos) were inside the black circle. This time no pain killer was given because it was not a painful procedure. The procedure only took about 15 minutes.

Later, I had to lay down for about 1 hour before went home. I had been given MC for 10 days. My gynea prescribed me with Utrogestan and Duphaston for the luteal support.

Thursday 1 March 2012

IVF, egg collection

Continue from Part IV

On Monday, 31 October 2011 we went to HUKM for egg collection. Many will wonder why HUKM instead of PPUM? Its because PPUM reproductive lab still under construction This means that all the patients from PPUM need to go to HUKM.

Our appointment were set at 9:30 am but to escape the morning traffic we did go out early from home and we arrived @ HUKM (Clinic MAC O&G) around 7 am. We waited for about 1 1/2 hours before the clinic open. Then we proceed with the registration. Since I had registered with HUKM before, I do not need to pay rm10 for the registration fees.

After it all settled, we waited for my gynea. About 10:00 am my gynea came and I was instructed to change to proper attire. Please take note that you need to left behind all your valuable things because you will be in deep sleep during the procedure. They won't give you anesthetic but you will be given a pain killer. My gynea injected me with the pain killer drug and soon after that I felt sleepy. 10 minutes after the injection, I was wheeled over into the procedure room.

Through out the whole 1/2 hour procedure, I was in deep sleep. Not until they extracted the last egg, I am widely awake. My gynea informed me that they managed to collect 10 eggs (5 from each ovary).

About 2 hour after that we left HUKM. I was given MC for 2 days.

This procedure cost us about RM 6000.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

IVF, this is our story part IV

Continue from Part III

The bigger picture:

DateDayMedication/doseAntagonist/doseGiven byUS Scan
20/101Puregon 200iu-Me@8:30pm-
21/102Puregon 200iu-Me@8:30pm-
22/103Puregon 200iu-Me@8:30pm-
23/104Puregon 200iu-Me@8:30pm-
24/105Puregon 200iuOrgalutranMe@10:35am/Me@8:30pm-
25/106Puregon 200iuOrgalutranMe@10:35am/Me@8:30pmUltrasound
26/107Puregon 200iuOrgalutranMe@10:35am/Me@8:30pm-
27/108Puregon 200iuOrgalutranMe@10:35am/Me@8:30pm-
28/109Puregon 200iuOrgalutranMe@10:35am/Me@8:30pmUltrasound

Instruction List:

You are now ready to proceed to egg collection. Prior to that you need OVEDRILL 250 mg. Date: 29/10/11. Day: Saturday. Time: 2130 hrs (9:30pm).
Your egg collection is scheduled to take place on: Monday at: 0930 Date: 31/10/11. Utrogestan 200mg should be taken vaginally, three times a day: 12mn, 8am, 4pm starting from Monday date 31/10/11.
Tablet Duphaston 10mg should be taken orally three times a day: 8am, 4pm, 12mn starting from Monday, 31/10/11.

Your embryo transfer will be scheduled on:___________ Date:____________ Time: _____________. Please come to the Reporductive unit on the _____________ for a pregnancy test.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

IVF, this is our story part III

Continue from Part II

The next appointment was schedule on Friday, 28 October 2011. I had ultrasound and there were 10 mature egg (5 each from right & left ovary). We will proceed with the Orgalutran & Puregon shot but this time around, my gynea prescribe me with Duphaston, Utrogestan & Ovidrel.

Duphaston & Utrogestan were for luteal phase support in IVF or to support the lining of the uterus. Meanwhile, Ovidrel is used to ripen (mature) the follicles.

The total cost for this round were RM 676.60.

The breakdown cost:
- Registration = RM25
- Orgalutran 0.25 mg/0.5 ml (2 syringes) = RM 300
- Duphaston (for 2 weeks) = RM 115.40
- Utrogestan (for 2 weeks) = RM 151.20
- Ovidrel = RM 85

We will having another appointment on Monday, 31 October 2011 for egg collection. Below is the list of instruction that we need to comply:

You are now ready to proceed to egg collection. Prior to that you need OVIDREL 250 mg. Date: 29/10/11. Day: Saturday. Time: 2130 hrs (9:30pm).
Your egg collection is scheduled to take place on: Monday at: 0930 Date: 31/10/11. Utrogestan 200mg should be taken vaginally, three times a day: 12mn, 8am, 4pm starting from Monday date 31/10/11.
Tablet Duphaston 10mg should be taken orally three times a day: 8am, 4pm, 12mn starting from Monday, 31/10/11.

Your embryo transfer will be scheduled on:___________ Date:____________ Time: _____________. Please come to the Reporductive unit on the _____________ for a pregnancy test.

Friday 24 February 2012

IVF, this is our story part II

Continue from Part I ..

On 25 October 2011, I went for another appointment @ PPUM on the day 6 of my menstrual cycle. I had an ultrasound and I had 12 matured egg (6 each on the right & left ovary). I did response well to the treatment because there were not too much egg produced that can cause you abdominal pain (OHSS).

This round, I was prescribed Orgalutran for 3 IVF cycle (3 days). Basically, Orgalutran will delay the ovulation until your follicles have reached the optimum size. I started to take Orgalutran at 10:35am considering the 24 hours cycle.

The total cost for this round were RM 1175.

The breakdown cost:
- Registration = RM 25
- Orgalutran 0.25 mg/0.5 ml (3 syringes) = RM 450
- Puregon 600iu (for 3 days) = RM 700

The story continue .. part III

Price RM 450 for 3 syringes.

Friday 17 February 2012

IVF, this is our story ..

We have been married for 8 years & having difficulty to get pregnant. This is our story on our latest attempt for getting pregnant by undergone IVF treatment.

Where: PPUM
Gynealogist: Dr. Nuguelis bt Razali

At the end of Dec 2010, I did a HSG (hysterosalpingogram) test. The test is to check if I had a blockage at my fallopian tube. The result was normal. The procedure cost me RM 80.

Then in Jan 2011, my hubby went for sperm count test. Its for semen analysis and to check the total sperm count, motility and morphology. The result was normal. The test only cost him RM 15.

The following months, in Feb 2011, I went to PPUM for a blood test. First blood test was done on my second day of my mestrual cycle (D2). The second test was done on my 21 days of menstrual cycle(D21). The blood test is to check on my FSH and LH level (day 2) & TFT level (day 21). It turned out that I had hormone imbalance. The total cost for the blood test was RM 100 (RM 80 for D2) + (RM 20 for D21).

After we get the result, we decided to take hormone pills (Yasmin) for 3 months to regulate my menstrual cycle. In fact, Yasmin also known as contraceptive pills and according to www.netdoctor.co.uk , taking the contraceptive pill usually results in lighter, less painful and more regular menstrual bleeding. This means it is sometimes also prescribed for women who have problems with particularly heavy, painful or irregular periods. That is me!

So I started taking Yasmin for 3 months (June-August) but due to some unforeseen circumstances I had extended it until September 2011. The price for Yasmin per box is RM 54.00(I bought @ Farmasi Q-Pharma (PPUM)) so the total cost for 3 months was RM 162.00.

My IVF treatment started on 20 Oct 2011 (Thursday). It was my second day of period. I went to reproductive clinic in PPUM and had my ultrasound. How to get there: click here. My uterus lining quite thick but we decided to proceed with the procedure. So my gynea prescribe me with Puregon shot (200iu) for 6 days. All the nurses in the reproductive clinic were very nice and one of the nurses teach me how to do self injection using Puregon Pen (how to do self injection: click here). It would a very scary thing to do it myself so that job goes to my hubby. TQ Cayang.

Total cost for this round was RM 1441.

The breakdown cost:
- Registration = RM 25
Puregon for 6 days (200iu per day):
-2 boxes of 300iu = RM 716
-1 box of 600iu = RM 700

Our story continue .. part II

Puregon Pen (FOC)
Puregon 600 IU (RM 700 per box)
Puregon 300IU (RM 358 per box)

How to do fertility shot

1) Kawasan cucuk seelok-eloknya 3cm dari pusat
2) Pegang puregon pen dengan tangan kanan seperti pensil tulis
3) Cara cucuk yang afdal:
- cubit bahagian perut yang hendak dicucuk (dgn tangan kiri)
- puregon pen dipegang dengan tangan kanan & cucuk jarum perlahan-lahan
- bila jarum dah terbenam di perut, lepaskan cubitan & ambil pad alkohol (tangan kiri)
- tekan butang puregon pen, tunggu 10 saat kemudian keluarkan jarum sementara tangan kiri cuci luka cucukan tersebut menggunakan pad alkohol

Thursday 16 February 2012

How to get to PPUM Reproductive Clinic

1) From Menara Utama, take the elevator to second floor.
2) Once you step out from the elevator, turn on your left & walk straight until you see the playground.
3) Just follow the direction to Kompleks Perubatan Wanita & Kanak-kanak (its a different building).
4) Once you reach the building, just go straight to Klinik Ibu Mengandung and press "A" button to take the queue number.
5) Then take the elevator & go to the 4th floor (Klinik Kesihatan Reproduktif).
6) Ask from the nurse for the yellow slip.
7) Go back to 2nd floor (Klinik Ibu Mengandung) and wait for your number to be call.
8) Go to the registration counter to register.
9) Proceed back to Reproductive Clinic (4th floor)
For government servant: Free registration
For private sector:
- Registration fees = rm20
- Consultation fees = rm5
- Ultrasound = rm40
Waiting Area @ Reproductive Clinic

Trip to Perth

Day 1: Landing @ Perth Airport, then cari breakfast, later we went to Fremantle. Jalan2 kat sana sambil shopping beli souvenir. Tips from me, kalau nak beli souvenir murah2, boleh pi kat Fremantle di E Shed Market tapi dia open only on Friday, Saturday & Sunday je. So kena lah plan betul2 ek.. Later, we check in at Budget Apartment in Preston Street

Day 2: Went to Perth Zoo, South Perth. Then went to North Perth naik ferry di Mends St. Jetty menyusuri Swan River (kat situ ada Swan Bell/Bell Tower). Boleh gak naik bas utk explore satu Perth.

Day 3: Drove to Mandurah. Went to Dolphin & Canal Cruise. Then, went to Abingdon miniature village.

Day 4: Went to Caversham Wildlife Park, North Perth. Boleh petting Koala & Kangaroo. Jgn lupa tgk animal show.

Day 5: Went to Rottnest Island. Mandi manda sambil berpicnic.

Day 6: Balik ke KL!!


1) Before going to Ozie. Make sure to submit ETA (Australian Electronic Travel Authority) for the whole family. Go to this website to apply for ETA >> http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/

2) Then one more thing, kalau nak rent car/van .. make sure amek yg unlimited KM nyer ok .. mine dulu rent ngan Europcar.. booking via http://www.discoverwest.com.au/car-hire/

3) Kalau nak beli souvenir murah2, boleh pi kat Fremantle di E Shed Market tapi dia open only on Friday, Saturday & Sunday je

Sunday 29 January 2012

Lion Dance

Lion dance at the office ..